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What is the Difference Between 3D and 2D Animation?

The consumer is equally good at both 2D and 3D products, if each of them is interesting, of high quality and causes a strong emotion. And although today the three-dimensional animation format is at the peak of popularity, the need for two-dimensional animation is still not gone, and it is quite in demand. Against this background, an inexperienced user has one logical question: what is the difference between these two animation formats? It is also interesting to know if 3D videos really have more advantages than 2D ones. And no less interesting, whose graphics and effects look better – in 2D or 3D animation? Let’s try to answer all these questions through an analysis of the advantages of each of them.

To learn more about each type of animation and get assistance with 2D product development, please contact 2d animation services at kevuru games.

Positive aspects of 3D graphics

Let’s see why this type of animation found such a powerful response in the circles of game developers, animators and creators of educational, informational and other videos. Among the advantages of 3D animation, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Object rotation. The information content for the user increases, since he can familiarize himself with each element from all its sides. If the object moves only in a straight line – forward and backward, it is more difficult to understand. And we are talking not only about complex objects, such as characters in a game or a cartoon, but also about such simple elements as text or digital inscriptions. Flat ones do not look as interesting as voluminous ones, and the first ones are perceived faster and easier.
  2. Aspect ratio. In a two-dimensional image, it is very difficult to create the illusion of space. To achieve this, the animators have to work hard. Shadow display techniques are used, reducing one element against the background of large others, and the like. In 3D graphics, there is no need to do such complicated work, since it is always clear there what dimensions a particular object has. This even applies to elements that are scattered on different sides or at different distances.
  3. A high degree of information content of different sides of the screen. In the three-dimensional world, the viewer can demonstrate complex geometric shapes, while in flat graphics this cannot be done.
  4. Use of complex graphs, charts and diagrams. Such objects can be as informative and readable as possible in a three-dimensional image. With their help, you can create spectacular presentations and keep statistics, for example, in games.
  5. Easy perception of non-linear, complex structures. If you get acquainted with a new figure for the first time, it will not be clear in 2D format, while in volumetric form the user will be able to fully explore it.
  6. Positive response of the vestibular apparatus of the viewer. This format helps to unbalance the viewer, confuse his brain, create a feeling of falling, causing dizziness. For example, during a car race or a fight in the ring.
  7. Creation of innovative elements. With this animation format, developers are constantly creating new, unique objects that can impress.

So, in 3D you can use very complex graphics, for which special glasses are even created. If you put them on, then the drawings, incomprehensible to the naked eye, immediately take on a shape, volume and become understandable in their space.

Advantages of 2D graphics

The two-dimensional plane also has its advantages. The main ones are the following:

  • it is convenient and easy to read a classic text – three-dimensional letters look impressive and spectacular, but you can’t read a lot of such text, as your eyes will get tired and your brain will ‘boil’. But in flat space it is much easier to navigate, since each element does not have edges that change their shape, which makes them easier to perceive;
  • screen size – each part of it can be filled with important information;
  • active edges of the screen – they also find their application in 2D graphics;
  • understandable, familiar, proven special effects – they are already familiar to everyone and worked out to the smallest detail, which helps developers create products, saving their time;
  • minimum requirements and restrictions regarding the creation of frames and scenes.

For the services of developing products in 2D format or getting advice from an expert, you can contact the gamification agency


Leonardo, a visionary entrepreneur and digital innovator, is the proud owner and mastermind behind Born and raised in the heart of the Silicon Valley, he has always been fascinated by the potential of technology and its ability to transform the way we communicate and interact with one another.

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