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Tiefling 5e

This guide is supposed to offer a notion of whether or not the Tiefling will be right for your character build.

The colour code below has been implemented to help you identify, at a glance, how good that option will be for your Tiefling 5e. This color coding isn’t a hard and fast rule; there are lots of sub-optimized options out there which is viable to your party and will be fun to play.

  • Black is really a trait shared by many races and or will not impact the potency of your character build
  • Red isn’t planning to subscribe to the potency of your character build at all
  • Orange is definitely an OK option
  • Green is a good option
  • Blue is a good option, you should strongly consider this option for your character
  • Sky Blue is a fantastic option. If you don’t take this option your character would not be optimized

Hellish Rebuke 5e Update

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What are Tieflings?

Tieflings are a battle of humanoids, descended from demons and devils who had bred with humans long ago. While they are not inherently evil, their appearance likens that of the ancestors, with horns, tails, sharp teeth, and a wide array of eye colors and skin colors. For their ancestry, Tieflings make great thieves and criminals, but may also be strong leaders and are fiercely loyal.

Tiefling Traits

Ability Score Increase: A CHA bonus is the bread and butter of several classes. Where Tieflings really shine is the sheer amount of different subraces available, which include various secondary ASIs and abilities, making them a satisfactory selection for nearly any build.

Size: Medium size doesn’t include any drawbacks or benefits.

Speed: The Tiefling’s walking speed of 30 feet is standard.

Darkvision: Darkvision is always great, but its advantage can be ruined if your party members do not also provide it.

Hellish Resistance: Fire damage is very common, whether from enemy spellcasters or monster abilities. Having fire resistance baked to the Tiefling race works wonders for survivability.

Tiefling Subraces

Bloodline of Asmodeus

The standard Tiefling. ASIs are not synergistic but the Asmodeus Tiefling comes with useful spells.

Ability Score Increase: Adding an INT bonus to the Tiefling’s CHA isn’t very helpful. Most casters typically rely on a single and dump the other.

Infernal Legacy: 

  • Thaumaturgy: Not quite as versatile as Minor Illusion, but will get the work done when wanting to intimidate or trick an NPC.
  • Hellish Rebuke: A good usage of your reaction with good damage, especially at lower levels.
  • Darkness: A useful spell to assist your escape or confuse enemies. Cutting off the enemies’Darkvision also can render them helpless.

Bloodline of Baalzebul

Much like the Asmodeus Tiefling , but comes with less effective spells.

Ability Score Increase: Adding an INT bonus to the Tiefling’s CHA isn’t very helpful. Most casters typically rely on a single and dump the other.

Legacy of Maladomini

  • Thaumaturgy: Not quite as versatile as Minor Illusion, but will get the work done when wanting to intimidate or trick an NPC.
  • Ray of Sickness: This isn’t a negative ranged spell attack, but its effectiveness will fade at higher levels and poison is really a pretty common resistance.
  • Crown of Madness: Crown of Madness has a lot of hoops to jump through to be effective. It takes you to utilize your action on each turn to steadfastly keep up concentration, the enemy could make Wisdom saving throws, and the creature must use its action before movement for you to control it.

Bloodline of Dispater

Bloodline of Dispater is a good selection for sneaky characters who wish to infiltrate and deceive, but the Bloodline of Glasya comes with better spells for that purpose.

Ability Score Increase: While most CHA casters don’t have usage of Heavy Armor, DEX is an all-natural selection for an ASI to greatly help boost AC, Stealthiness, and DEX saves.

  • Legacy of Dis:
    • Thaumaturgy: Not quite as versatile as Minor Illusion, but can get the work done when trying to intimidate or trick an NPC.
    • Disguise Self: An excellent spell in the right hands, but is bound by roleplaying ability and the DM’s discretion.
    • Detect Thoughts: Useful spell for interrogations, or to determine if there are any hidden creatures near your location.
    Bloodline of FiernaSource: Mordenkainen’s Tome of FoesThe Fierna Tiefling is alone that includes a WIS bonus. The package of charm spells could be useful and work in tandem with the massive CHA boost for a very persuasive character.Ability Score Increase: Most characters choose between WIS or CHA and then dump the other.Legacy of Phlegethos:
    • Friends: You may get many uses from this since it is a cantrip, but the very short duration causes it to be risky to use. Overshadowed by Charm Person when you receive it.
    • Charm Person: Not great during combat, but can be used to achieve an ally just before a struggle breaks out or for similar purposes as the Friends cantrip. The longer duration makes this spell a lot more useful than Friends.
    • Suggestion: Suggestion is a worthy spell in many situations. You need to use it to get unwilling NPCs to do your bidding, or simply to take an enemy out of combat by suggesting they run away.
    Bloodline of GlasyaSource: Mordenkainen’s Tome of FoesThe best choice for sneaky builds of all kinds with a fantastic set of spells.Ability Score Increase:  CHA and DEX is a great combination for sneaky builds, or CHA-based spellcasters that also fight with DEX melee weapons.Legacy of Malbolge:
    • Minor Illusion: Minor Illusion is very useful if you are creative and your DM provides for some shenanigans.
    • Disguise Self: An excellent spell in the right hands, but is bound by roleplaying ability and the DM’s discretion.
    • Invisibility: One of the greatest spells in the overall game to sneak into a restricted area or get the upper hand in your foes. Cast Disguise Self on yourself and Invisibility on a friend and you curently have two party members prepared to attempt an infiltration.
    Bloodline of LevistusSource: Mordenkainen’s Tome of FoesThe Bloodline of Levistus is the absolute most defense-oriented of the Tiefling subraces.Ability Score Increase: Nearly any build is pleased to see a CON bonus, beyond those that are heavily multi-ability dependent.Legacy of Stygia:
    • Ray of Frost: Solid damage cantrip. The speed reduction goes well with the defensive theme with this subrace.
    • Armor of Agathys: A spell that gains temporary hit points and also deals damage provides a lot of utility for one action. Since it is cast at 2nd level, you’ll at the very least retaliate with 10 damage. If you take less than 10 damage in a single hit, you can find yourself dealing lots more. Which means this spell works perfectly with ways to reduce damage coming your way. Sadly, you can’t scale this spell as you level and the chances of retaliating with damage more often than once become very slim.
    • Darkness: A good spell to aid your escape or confuse enemies. Cutting off the enemies’Darkvision may also render them helpless.
    Bloodline of MammonSource: Mordenkainen’s Tome of FoesAnother subrace that comes with an INT bonus. The spells of the Bloodline of Mammon Tiefling are very underwhelming set alongside the other similar subraces.Ability Score Increase: Adding an INT bonus to the Tiefling’s CHA isn’t very helpful. Most casters typically rely on a single and dump the other.Legacy of Minauros:
    • Mage Hand: The only saving grace of the Mammon Tiefling. Every party likes to have a character with Mage Hand to grab hard to achieve objects or to open a potentially trapped door or chest.
    • Tenser’s Floating Disk: Very situational.
    • Arcane Lock: Very situational.

Bloodline of Mephistopheles

Just one more subrace that comes with an INT bonus, and probably the most damage oriented of the subraces. Flame Blade isn’t great though, so look at the Bloodline of Zariel if you want to make weapon attacks.

Ability Score Increase: Adding an INT bonus to the Tiefling’s CHA isn’t very helpful. Most casters typically rely on a single and dump the other.

Legacy of Cania:

  • Mage Hand: Every party likes to really have a character with Mage Hand to seize hard to achieve objects or to open a potentially trapped door or chest.
  • Burning Hands: AOE with guaranteed damage. Damage is quite potent at lower levels, but won’t scale because it is always cast at 2nd level.
  • Flame Blade: This is a pretty good spell at small levels, but you merely obtain access to it at 5th level. At the same time, you’ll surely have better damage options and the truth that it needs concentration means this can be a pretty weak offering.

Bloodline of Zariel

The only Tiefling subrace that comes with a STR bonus. Combined with the spells the Bloodline of Zariel is probably the best choice for a melee Tiefling.

Ability Score Increase: STR and CHA is an interesting combination that is primarily intended, and suitable for, Paladins. Other classes likely won’t want this combination.

Legacy of Avernus:

  • Thaumaturgy: Not quite as versatile as Minor Illusion, but could possibly get the task done when wanting to intimidate or trick an NPC.
  • Searing Smite: A nice little damage boost to a system attack and the possibility of damage over time.
  • Branding Smite: As a Paladin, you can find definitely better smite options available. If you should be not playing a Paladin, Branding Smite provides a good boost of radiant damage, but Searing Smite is usually better for the damage over time. Preventing invisibility is situationally useful.

Tiefling Variants

The Tiefling Variants provide the only ASI spread with no CHA bonus.

Ability Score Increase (Feral): Good if you would like DEX and INT being an ASI rather than the usual CHA.

Tiefling Variant – Devil’s Tongue:

  • Vicious Mockery: This is the best Bard cantrip that deals minor damage and gives disadvantage on an enemy attack roll on a failed save.
  • Charm Person: Useful to acquire a reluctant person to help you out or to get an extra ally before beginning combat.
  • Enthrall: Enthrall is bad. The thing this spell does is give disadvantage on Perception checks against your party, and they get advantage on the save if you are in combat. The only positive thing concerning this spell is that, unlike most verbal spells, the creature doesn’t need to speak your language for it to work.

Tiefling Variant – Hellfire: Replacing Hellish Rebuke with Burning Hands for the Asmodeus Tiefling is mainly a matter of personal preference since they are about on par with each other. Make use of this subrace if your character prefers the Feral ASI spread over the original one.

Tiefling Variant – Winged: As you lose the free cantrip and spells, gaining fly speed is incredibly powerful. If playing a figure that likes INT and DEX, like a Bladesinger Wizard, choosing this subrace is amongst the best options available. Even when your character doesn’t need both stats, having a fly speed is adequate to be worth it.

Which Classes Work With Tieflings?

Because there are so many subraces and variants for the Tiefling , you will discover the right selection for nearly any class. Selecting a Tiefling subrace or variant with a relevant ASI is a good begin to your character.

Artificer: Most of the Tiefling subraces come with an INT bonus, although ideally an Artificer want +2. As a spellcaster, having more spells at your disposal is always welcome.

Barbarian: While the Zariel Tiefling gets a STR bonus, you can’t cast spells during a Barbarian rage, making the smites useless lots of the time.

Bard: Bards love CHA so Tieflings certainly are a great choice. Take Levistus for some survivability or the DEX subraces if you want to do some sneaking or melee combat.

Cleric: Fierna Tieflings do get WIS, but Clerics typically don’t desire to waste precious ASI on CHA. It’s passable and could make for an interesting character, but won’t be particularly optimized.

Druid: Druids also have the choice of the Fierna Tiefling , but won’t be nearly as strong as they could be by choosing another race.

Fighter: Fighters are extremely versatile, so the DEX or STR Tiefling subraces, along with the variants, will perform well depending on your chosen weapon. Levistus, while not boosting your attacks, could make an incredible tank character. If playing an Eldritch Knight with DEX weapons, the variants become very appealing because they include both DEX and INT.

Monk: The DEX subraces offer a nice infiltration package to the Monk, who isn’t typically dedicated to that area. Variant Tieflings get the biggest DEX bonus and may also work quite well.

Paladin: Consider the DEX or STR Tiefling subraces for a Paladin, depending on which weapon you want to use. Also of note may be the Levistus subrace for incredible survivability.

Ranger: The Glasya Tiefling has an appropriate ASI and offers some stealth options to make you more comparable to a Rogue. Variant Tieflings provide the best DEX bonus for Rangers, even though the INT is useless.

Rogue: CHA and DEX subraces certainly are a perfect start for Rogues, especially because those subraces include some built-in sneaky spells. The variant Tiefling 5e stats also work well with Arcane Trickster builds.

Sorcerer: Sorcerers excel with CHA, so the subraces can do fine. Ideally, choose one with DEX for AC or Levistus for survivability and CON saves.

Warlock: Warlocks excel with CHA, so the subraces can do fine. Ideally, choose one with DEX for AC or Levistus for survivability and CON saves.

Wizard: INT bonus subraces works just fine with Wizards, although +2 will be preferred. Usage of more spells is never a poor thing, and you’ve the choice of which spells best suit your playstyle. Using the variant option to get DEX and INT ASIs is ideal for Bladesinger Wizards.


Leonardo, a visionary entrepreneur and digital innovator, is the proud owner and mastermind behind Born and raised in the heart of the Silicon Valley, he has always been fascinated by the potential of technology and its ability to transform the way we communicate and interact with one another.

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