Categories: Business

Composting at Home? Get Things Right by Having the Proper Compost Machine for Your Needs

Composting once used to be a messy and daunting task. You had to build a compost pit where you would put your food scraps and other organic waste, and then wait for a long time for the material to decompose before you could use it as fertiliser.

But today, the process has become so much easier, thanks to the invention of the compost machine. With it, it has become effortless to handle the compostable waste you produce every day and reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfills.

Now, all you have to do is pick the right composter for your home.

What Is a Compost Machine

In simple terms, a composter is an independent machine that facilitates the process of composting organic waste and turning it into a natural fertiliser that you can use for your garden.

As previously implied, composting without this machine will take a considerable amount of time before you can acquire useful output. In today’s fast-paced world, a composter is truly the best solution to hastening the composting process.

How Do Composters Work

Compost machines work by storing organic food waste and other compostable material into a chamber and transforming them into compost through moisture retention and aeration. With the proper combination of heat, air, and moisture, these devices allow aerobic organisms to develop and work their magic.

Most of the time, these machines have two or more chambers where you can add new material in one and take out compost from another. Some of them are also designed to be continuous, which means they can produce separate batches of output.

Basically, the same process occurs in any compost pile or heap. The only difference is that an enclosed compost bin makes things a lot faster.

Picking the Right Compost Machine for Your Needs

When you search for a compost machine online, you will find out that there are multiple options to choose from. This makes it a bit tricky to pick the right product for your home. Fortunately, you can always make such a task a lot easier by being well informed. Here are important things to keep in mind.

Types of Composters

First, you have to know the types of composters. Here are the most common options you can find on the market today.

  • Stationary bin – This would be the composter that most people are familiar with. Its design could be as simple as that of plastic rubbish bins with lids, only that it has a lid that locks to prevent pests from getting inside and a hatch at the bottom where you can open and get processed compost.
  • Tumbler – This has a rotating drum that you spin to hasten the decomposition process. It could also have more than one compartment, allowing you to process waste by batch.
  • Worm composter – Also known as vermiculture composter, this machine uses the power of worms to turn your waste material into fertiliser. It can also be designed as “in-ground”, which allows worms to travel in and out of it with ease.
  • Food waste digester – As the name suggests, this machine digests the food scraps you put into it, which is an ideal option if you do not really want to produce compost, but want to reduce the amount of waste you throw into the rubbish bin.
  • Countertop processor – Technically speaking, this does not compost your food waste. Instead, it breaks and dries it up to become usable as fertiliser. Due to the small size, this could be the most convenient composter you can have at home.

Organic Waste You Produce at Home


The type of waste you want to compost will also affect your decision on which type of composter to get. For example, if you want to process kitchen scraps only, then a smaller food scraps compost bin will suffice. If you are processing garden waste, on the other hand, then you are better off with large composters.

Space for Composting

Composters that are meant for indoor use are different from those which are meant for outdoors. So, are you limited with space and can just do your composting in a garage or a balcony? Or, do you have an outdoor space with direct access to the ground?

Purpose of Composting

Perhaps, you do not really need compost because you do not have a garden at all. If this is the case, you can just use a digester. Otherwise, you can choose to have any of the other composters as long as it fits your requirements.


With all the pieces of information provided in this article, you should already have a good idea of which compost machine to have at home. Along with proper planning and organization, you will be good on your way to putting the organic waste you produce every day into good use.

For more interesting life hacks, feel free to read the other articles we have on our site!


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